Proper saddle fit is crucial to the enjoyment of your riding experience. Book your appointment today! You owe it to you and your horse. Lesli offers saddles in a variety of price ranges to fit your budget.
**Lesli helps determine if your saddles fit. She does an in- depth evaluation and explains the reasons for saddle fitting issues.
**Lesli offers solutions to your saddle needs independent of brand and considers your budget and need. She is always available for questions!
**Lesli has a few consignment saddles and used and demo saddles for sale in stock.
**Lesli works with at least 4 brands in England to offer you the finest quality fully custom saddles at competitive prices to fit you, your horse, and your budget!
**Lesli can save your time and money and stands behind every saddle she provides!

Lesli has been riding since age 3 on her first pony Ginger. She has had a lifelong love and passion for horses. She was involved in 4H as an early teen with Western Riding, Showmanship, Judging, and speed events. She also rode in parades with her mom in a local Mounted Drill Team. Lesli was the type of girl that would ride anything in the neighborhood and would frequently ride the neighbor's ponies to get them saddle time for their young owners.
Lesli earned a BS degree in Cellular Biology and went on to a certification in Medical Technology while at the same time worked for clients to Start and Train their young horses. She has taught English and Western Lessons at several farms, has Evented to Novice level and trained with some of the top trainers in eventing. She has competed in Hunter Jumper shows, & has Foxhunted many years and Whipped-in for LRWH for 2 years. She has also done some Breeding of sport horses. She earned her Barefoot Trimmer (ELPO) Certification in April 2015. She received her CSF (Certified Saddle Fitter) certification July 2017 from Mike Scott School of Saddlery and her Certificate in Flocking and Flocking Adjustments with Society of Master Saddlers in England . Lesli is registered with Society of Master Saddlers as a Trainee Saddle Fitter and hopes to complete her final certification in the near future.
At Comfortzone Saddle Fit, we’re passionate about making your saddle fit you and your horse to allow you to focus on what's really important, the ride!
Enjoy the Ride!
Lesli Popa, BS CBT CSF
Serving areas of Louisville and Lexington KY
Email: comfortzonesaddle@gmail.com
Tel: 817-948-1829
9:00 am to 6:00pm
Monday- Friday
10am to 6:00pm
Saturday and Sunday
Hours by Appointment